Fredriksborg Hotel - stay by a fortress

Jimmy Renlund

Fredriksborg hotell
Take the ferry from Vaxholm to Värmdö and spend a few nights in a calm and harmonious hotel right by Oxdjupet.

Hotel Fredriksborg is a wonderful small hotel located in the Stockholm archipelago. The hotel is situated in the old officer's building that remains from the time when the fortress was still in use. There is a calm and harmonious ambiance at the hotel, which has only 15 rooms, yet provides fantastic service and offerings. During breakfasts, either inside the restaurant or out in the garden, there is no clattering of cutlery or loud voices; here, one can truly indulge in the wonderful breakfast buffet, which can be challenging at larger establishments. 

During my visit, there was a barbecue evening with live music in the garden and orangery, where guests could choose from a variety of delicious treats straight from the grill. Enjoying a lovely dinner on a beautiful summer evening with live music and the ferries passing slowly through Oxdjupet made the stay truly special. 

The hotel is located right next to the large 18th-century fortress Fredriksborg, which was built to defend the entrance to Stockholm. During the summer, Pontus, who runs the hotel, conducts guided tours inside the fortress. It is truly interesting to join the tours and listen as Pontus tells the history of the fortress and the blocking of Oxdjupet. A very knowledgeable and well-read person, so you get to follow the history from the 16th century to the present day - highly recommended! 


Take the ferry (Swedish Transport Administration, no fee) from Vaxholm for an extra experience, but you can also drive via Värmdö. There is a guest pier if you come by boat. More information is available here